Shop Small Gift Guide ft. Scandiborn / Mainly Marta :: A Motherhood + Lifestyle Blog



What started as a digital diary to document a newfound journey as a stay at home mom / wife has quickly evolved into my own little corner on the internet where I share all that life brings my way -- the good, the bad, and everything in between. Thanks for stopping by; I hope you stay awhile!

Shop Small Gift Guide ft. Scandiborn

hi friends! today’s small shop feature is all about scandiborn. it's another one of my favorite places to shop when it comes to shopping for toys + presents for the kids! All of their products are so beautiful and of such great quality, it's always such a pleasure to recommend them. I love that a lot of the products they hold are from Europe can be because a lot of times I find myself loving something that I've seen on instagram + pinterest only to learn it's from England or Holland. scandiborn is the perfect place to check when the first shops that come up are in a google search is from europe.

I can even attest to the brilliant care team as one of my packages was missing a piece from a set I had bought. they were so helpful when I was inquring about it and helped resolve the matter in quick efficient emails. 

so what do you think -- aren't these products just so cute? I'm eying those dragon wings, shield, and that little hiker mouse for the boys and may just shop my own guide! they would be sooo perfect for all our pretend + open-ended play sessions. what about you -- anything catch your eye?

please note / this is not a sponsored postnor are there any affiliate links listed / all photos of products + logo taken from scandiborn's website.
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