Sometimes life can get brutal with all the projects, tasks and commitments we assign to ourselves which I thought I'd share some ways you can combat stress when you're drowning in the pile of work or those pesky laundry baskets.
1. Stop & Re-Evaluate.
If you're feeling worn out, stop what you're doing for a few minutes and re-evaluate the situation. Is the stress worth it, is the way you're feeling helping the situation, and would you be accomplishing less if you weren't stressing out right now? More times than not, the answer to all these questions are no because stress is a distractor and a mere roadblock to success.
2. Breathe.
It wouldn't kill you to take a deep breath every now and again. No matter what is going on in that busy life of yours, it's always okay to take several moments to take a long deep breath. I always fine this an instant relaxer. I mean, breathing is something we take for granted, so why not take a few moments to really focus on how amazing our lungs are and fill those babies up with some air!
3. Take Time For Some Self Care.
It's always nice to know that later, you've got something rewarding waiting for you. Plan a staycation, a spa day or a nice chunk of time to do whatever makes you happy -- read a book, watch a movie, grab some coffee, go for a walk in a pretty park, or just grab some extra zzzz by taking a nap!
4. Eat Some Chocolate.
Because who has ever frowned while eating chocolate?! I mean honestly, I have never seen a person not smile when eating chocolate! Just remember to not go overboard because you may be frowning later when you step on the scale.
5. Make A Plan.
One of my favorite ways to combat stress is make a plan. I grab my calendar, my fancy pens, and I start planning and brainstorming on how to accomplish what I need to do in order for my task to be complete. I set up a timeline and then I commit to it.
6. Exercise.
When I'm stressed, exercise is often the very last thing I think about which is exactly why it's the perfect way to combat stress. It's a great way to release tension and just forget about what's going on. So grab some headphones, turn on some upbeat music and break a sweat and all the stress will drip away too
7. Start Over.
Sometimes we're stressed because things aren't going in the direction we want them too and to that I say -- okay, fine, let's start over and do it right. There's no shame in wiping the slate clean and starting fresh with the thoughts of what didn't work out last time in the back of our minds.