But -- I did it on my own terms.
Before I start explaining what I mean, I just want to throw a
disclaimer out there -- This post is not by any means intended to offend, mock, hurt feelings, shame or criticize anyone. If you swear by certain brands and oils, then that's totally
OKAY. I'm sure you have legitimate reason and logic behind those opinions which I totally RESPECT.
I'm just throwing my
very new and fresh perspective and experience with oils in this post.
Using essential oils -- it's something I never thought I'd do because it seemed
sooo overrated to me.
I mean everyone is supposedly using them and it got to a point where it felt like it was another money making machine business.
I felt that way because I'd get message requests on Instagram telling me that oils changed someone's life and then when I went to look at the prices of the company they were promoting --
my jaw dropped.
A diffuser that costs more than $200 and you're giving me a discount and selling it for $160 if I buy a
HUGE kit? It's super overwhelming for someone who knows nothing about oils. It didn't help that those very messages would say something like "I understand that oils are overwhelming if you've never used them..." and then they'd counter that with the notion that there is this aspect of community essential oils brings. I mean -- yes, I'm
all about community, but I was still hooked on that super spendy diffuser and ginormous kit. Don't get me wrong -- there is no shame in promoting a product you love on social media (I do that all the time in my posts), but I just wasn't feeling it when it came to essential oils. What can I say?
I'm sort of a skeptic.
One things those messages did spark was my interest -- I mean, if someone is willing to spend a small fortune on oils, then there MUST be something about them. I bought my very first diffuser that came with two oils -- rosemary mint and lavender.
I got this diffuser on a whim because it was $20.00 at Costco. If I'm going to be honest, at that point I just wanted to see what the big deal / hype was all about.
It's safe to say -- I love the scent lavender, so diffusing lavender quickly became a favorite bedtime ritual.
The diffuser itself had LED lights which I loved. My all time favorite color palette includes shades of white and green, so the fact that this diffuser had a pretty soft white light was amazing! It's the only color I used.
My love for this diffuser was short lived because after 2 months of diffusing my oils consistently -- I found a pool of water underneath it. I stopped using it right then and there!
I was pretty bummed, but decided to take a break and do some diffuser research before I plunged in again. This time around, I looked into the two expensive brands -- but I still couldn't get myself to buy into them. I didn't want to commit to buying from them every month for the discounts, so I took my search to Amazon.
I will say that I found the expensive brand diffusers there too and I wasn't all to impressed with the reviews. I took them with a grain of salt though because sometimes competitors go negative reviews to lower the rating.
After much consideration and thought, I settled on the
VicTsing 300 ml Cool Mist Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser.
I've had this for about a month now and I love it!
The wooden look makes it look so chic and the fact that it has seven different LED lights that have both a bright and dim setting makes it so much better. Another amazing feature is that it has 3 different time settings -- 1 HR, 3 HRS, and 6 HRS.
Another feature that I love about this diffuser is that it turns off when there is no more water to diffuse -- AUHMAZING. I don't know about you, but small safety features like that give me piece of mind. I just love this product and I would recommend it to everyone!
This diffuser is in my living room and the whole room plus my kitchen, the play area, hallway and my large staircase / entry way smells when I have it going.
Now that I had an amazing diffuser, I decided it was time to find some oils. I still refused to buy the high brand oils because a .5 ml bottle costs like $20 and I just can't commit to that. It's way overpriced. so, off I went to TJ MAXX and bought a little set they were selling from the brand Woolzies.
This kit cost me like $10 and for that price, I'd say they were well worth it. This set includes the following oils :: peppermint, lemon, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus and orange.
I've used all but the peppermint and eucalyptus oils and I think they all smell great so far.
I love blending the tea tree and lemon oils from this set. Makes the house smell heavenly.
I also bough from the brand Lily & Lush -- I got their lavender and lemon oils off of Amazon because those are my favorite scents.
Can I just say that I
looooooove this brand because the bottle size + price is so affordable!?! The aroma these oils give off are pretty strong too, so I see this lasting me quite a while.
I bought their XL sized bottles which is 4 ounces and they both came with a dropper which makes life so much easier. The only issue I had was that the droppers don't stay on the bottle to replace the cap, but I don't mind because this product is a bargain! If you order from Lily and Lush, they give you a user guide with your purchase which makes life easier for a essential oil newcomer like me.
Lily & Lush also have this VIP Club where you give your email and they send you freebie informational prints, discount codes, and recipes which is all kinds of awesome!
For right now, I'm really happy with these two brands. I plan on trying a few other brands before I thrust my commitment towards one brand -- if that ever happens.
I'm currently happy with just diffusing and haven't even started researching the other benefits of oils. I don't feel like I'm ready to start placing oil on my wrists and temples, but I'm sure that day will come. When that time does come, I'll be sure to share that experience with you too!