My Latest Endeavor -- Drawing! / Mainly Marta :: A Motherhood + Lifestyle Blog



What started as a digital diary to document a newfound journey as a stay at home mom / wife has quickly evolved into my own little corner on the internet where I share all that life brings my way -- the good, the bad, and everything in between. Thanks for stopping by; I hope you stay awhile!

My Latest Endeavor -- Drawing!

"The Fountain, Villa Torlonia, Frascati, Italy" (1907) by John Singer Sargent

hello, my dear readers! 

today's post is not going to be the regular guide or round up, but rather a little share. I've been having so much fun lately with -- drum roll please -- digital drawing. I've always been so intimidated by drawing and have followed artists on all platforms with a hint of envy at their talent, but last month, I started to doodle on my iPad with my husband's iPencil. it was so fun, and I started to draw every day.

I am no artist and the drawings are mediocre at best, but still, I am proud of my work. it's the fact that they look decent for me. HAHA. y'all believe me when I say, I have always wanted to be an artist, and it was something I avoided trying because I already knew I would be terrible.

buuuut, after trying my hand at needle felting and sculpting, I decided to give it a go and I'm so glad I did! drawing is so relaxing and though I'm not amazing at it, I'm not as terrible as I thought I would be, and I'm going to count that as a win. 

I thought I'd share some of my work with ya'll and document the journey on the blog and see how I progress as I practice my art every day. I've also started a little Instagram page @fiddlemoth, if anyone is interested in following along this endeavor more closely.

so, here is some of my work ...

annnnnd that's a wrap! 

so, that's my art. I'm having so much fun drawing or doodling rather. it's been so fun and so relaxing! what should I draw next? until next time, xoxo.

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